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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Christmas for Sale!

I am sitting here tonight mindful of a Christmas play that I was in. About 15 years ago. Not only was I in it and the star, I helped write it. It was the title of this post. Here is how it went. The first scene, sales person comes out yelling Christmas for sale get your Christmas. in comes a family. He first shows them a Las Vegas Christmas. It came complete with a lounge act, gaming tables and the such. The lounge act sang a dity. They asked the price. The sales person said100,000 dollars. The family says "no thanks to rich." Then they are drawn to a country style Christmas. A country man and his wife. The daughter of the family sits down only to stand up and say "ooo what's this." the wife of the country couple says sorry those are grandpa's teeth. then some friendly banter and grandma sings a dity. they inquire the price and are told 50,000. then they notice something strange a bright light acrossed the the salesperson says thats noghint just the light of the used Christmas lot. in walks a Shepherd played by me. The mother of the family approaches me and demands to know who I was and what I had to offer. I said "I am just a lowly shepherd and I don't have much to offer. I do have a story that has been handed down to me by family. I then told the story of shepherds the angel and how they went to see Jesus. I then sang Away in a Manger. It was the highlight of the play. Lisa our recreation director's sister was video taping this thing and I was told by Lisa that I made her sister cry with my performance. Unfortantely I no longer have said video sad to say. but it was enjoyable. oh by the way the sales person tried a high price for my Christmas then came down to say its free. The family said we'll take it and thus the play came to an end. My wish for all of you this season is simple that the Lord blesses you and that you cherish those you love and hold them close. My wish for me high on my list is 2 things 1 a permanent job. 2 and equally important. A special lady in my life that I can treasure, share my love and spend a life time with. I am not picky with looks because they'll fade. all I ask is that she loves Jesus and wants to serve Him with all she has. One who'll look past my blindness and accept me for who I am and will help me grow. someone who loves children because I am a single dad. but other then that not really any other requirements.

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About Me

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wyoming, michigan, United States
I am a man of God who loves to speak on a variety of issues. I love to speak to motivate, inspire or just inform. As you can see from my photo I am a single father and I do want to remarry one day provided the right lady comes along. If you need a speaker to motivate your employees, gtroup or to speak at an event. I am willing ready and able. Let me know time and place and we can work out the details