
Welcome! To my world! Here you'll see a variety of issues spoken on. comment and don't hold back!

a blog for friends family and whoever wants a peak at my world.

Friday, April 20, 2007

toast master update and more

Well I thought I would come in and update you all about how things with my toast masters is going. It is going well. we have gained a few new members which is a good thing. Recently I participated in our Spring contest. Not competing but helping out. The spring contest is waht they call the internatiuonal speech and evaluation contest. the first one "international speech" is self-explainatory. the Evaluation contest is where people evaluate a speaker. they have 2-3 minutes to evaluate. I was the "target" speaker. that means I was the speaker that was to be evaluated. I will be doing this again on Thursday April 26 for our division level of the contest. it should be interesting. I did it because I felt I needed to give something back to the organization that has given me so much. We have elections coming up on May 8 for our club. so it will be then that we will see if I am reelected for President or if I am demoted to a different office. what ever happens is fien with me. I just wnat to help my club to succeed.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

verse that has stuck for a while

THere has been a verse lately that has stuck with me and has been a great source of reminder to keep me going with my job search. But before I get to that let me rable a bit. I have has one job interview about 2 weeks ago. It was with Fifth Third Bank. It was for a Customer Service position at one of their call centers. At this point it doesn't look like I got the job. becaus classes would be starting next Monday and to date they haven't called me back to say one way or the other. Anyway as to the verse that I refered to in my Title it is Jeremiah 29 verse 11. For I know the thoughts I have toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a home. This verse means a lot to me. The above passage was taken from the New King James version. Anwya this verse means a lot to me because it gives me a great promise. it promises that the Lord's thoughts are peace and all good toward me. he promises that he has something in store for me. the following verses after that explain more. they tell me if I seek him he will be found. if I seek with my whole heart. now I am seeking him for a job and a wife. I know he'll provide these soomeday but I need to trust him and realize that he knows what's best. I just need to keep plugging away with senind out resume's and chatting with different ladies and taking steps to asking them out and seeing where the Lord provides and leads. I also realixe that I don't post on here often. I just don't have much to say from time to time. then I have something to put on and I have trouble loging in or don't have access. then when I dohave access I forget what it was I was going to post. hope that all of you are well. sorry for the long post but hey what can I say.


About Me

My photo
wyoming, michigan, United States
I am a man of God who loves to speak on a variety of issues. I love to speak to motivate, inspire or just inform. As you can see from my photo I am a single father and I do want to remarry one day provided the right lady comes along. If you need a speaker to motivate your employees, gtroup or to speak at an event. I am willing ready and able. Let me know time and place and we can work out the details