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a blog for friends family and whoever wants a peak at my world.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


As many of you know today is Ruthann's birthday. she is now 7 years old today. But I am sure tht not al of youare knowedgeable about the story of her birth. well here it goes: It was April of 2001 when I got the news that my wife was pregnant. I was both excited and scared as to what was going to happen. I remember when i got the news we were talking with someone aboutgetting a voucher for low income housing. Jennifer "now x" said she had taken a home check test. we soon after went and saw the doctor to know for sure. Well the doctor confirmed it. the next several months were spent getting ready. many appointments and searching for an apartment. June of that year we got news from a friend of Jennifer's mom that her mom was in the hospital and not expected to survive. Jennifer then took a bus trip to see her mom. I stayed behind and worked. Well Jennifer came back and not long after that we got the phone call that he mom had passed on. she died from bone cancer. We went to the funerial. got back and a few months got an apartment. now you have the back ground now for the day of er birth. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning as usual. got ready for work. this was going to be my last day was going to take time off for leave for Ruthann's birth. I arrived t work and on the way in my friend and I were talking and he joked and said she might be born today! I stated no way she wasn't due for about another week. Got in and grabed a coffee and snack from the lunch room. I then called Jennifer to tell her i arrived safe. this wa normal. Sh advised she would probably need to change the sheets. my first thought was "why were you sick?" she said no I think my water broke. she said to call her back in about 10 minutes. I went to my preshift meeting and my supervisor told me i wouldn't be staying. I said we don't know she said she had had 3 kids and knows. well we had the meeting. I went and made the call. came back told my supervisor i was leaving. threw my shoes in my back pack threw on my boots. a co-worker came and offered me a ride. I stuttered and said i had a ride. another supervisor laughed and said not nervous are we? i stuttered and said no. we arrived at the hospital at about7:30 in the morning and sure enough things were on target. she was about 2 or 3 centimeters dialeted. well the hours wore on and on. finally the time came. Andi "jennifer's adopted sister" and i staqrted the encouraging her to push. this was around 8:30 or so in the evening. Well they decided they would have to do a c section. I was tossed scrubs and got hurriedly in them and Andi and I raced to follow. at 9:04 that evening Ruthann was born. she was 8 pounds 6.4 ounces and 20 and a quarter inches long and her head was 14 and 3 quarter inches. while in the nursery my sugar started to drop and i got help. anyway more to come at another time this already gettng long. stay tuned for a part 2.


Anonymous said...

Hello! :)

strider1971 said...

hello and thanks for your reading.


About Me

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wyoming, michigan, United States
I am a man of God who loves to speak on a variety of issues. I love to speak to motivate, inspire or just inform. As you can see from my photo I am a single father and I do want to remarry one day provided the right lady comes along. If you need a speaker to motivate your employees, gtroup or to speak at an event. I am willing ready and able. Let me know time and place and we can work out the details