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Friday, February 18, 2011

if He goes before me

I have been a Christian now for about 22 years. Has it all been a bed of roses? certainly not! there have been many times on my journey I have fallen and thaught God has forsaken me and doesn't love me anymore. I knew He did but it just didn't feel true. many times in our Christian walk we may not feel saved, looked smelled act saved, but we are. Scripture tells that He will never leave us nor forsake us. I think the foot prints poem says it best where it says "the times only one set of foot prints that is when I carried." then back a few years or so ago I heard a song by White that states "if He goes before me I am sure to win." The Bible confirms this. read the end of Revelation "we win" that is the key! as long as we keep Christ in front of us and follow him we can't fail. we may drop the ball, Lord knows I've done it many times. He is right there with the ball ready to help dust us off and hand it to us and move forward. many times I've felt like no direction and that I didn't understand His will for my life. but my friends it was my own fault. I didn't make a big habbit to stay in the word and allowed to fellowship with unbelievers so as a result didn't not have a brighty testimony. but I am realizing now that consistent time in prayer and in the word of God changes things. not for the worse, to the contrary, for the better. do i know his plan for me? no! I think I see glimpse of it. but I am not sure how, where or when. it is my desire to be a public speaker. always looking for opportunity to speak, motivationaly, inspirational Biblical or otherwise. Customer Service is my field of expertise and am ready to serve the Lord with all I have in any compacity. so you might be struggling now, chin up and look the Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Keep your eyes steadfast on him. like Peter in scripture he could have walked on the water all the way to Jesus. but he took his eyes off and paid attention to the storm and that is when he began to sink. we still will have trials in life. the key is keep your eyes on Jesus and look to him for your source of strength. you might be some what surprised what happens.

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About Me

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wyoming, michigan, United States
I am a man of God who loves to speak on a variety of issues. I love to speak to motivate, inspire or just inform. As you can see from my photo I am a single father and I do want to remarry one day provided the right lady comes along. If you need a speaker to motivate your employees, gtroup or to speak at an event. I am willing ready and able. Let me know time and place and we can work out the details