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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wake Up!!! and Dream!!!

That's right wake up!!!! and dream. you will say "Daniel that is kind of difficult isn't it?" I say a big fat resounding NO!!! Because we all have a dream that is near and ear to us and ours alone. We all have dreams for our family and those dreams we strive to succeed to make happen. But how many of us actually go after our own dream. I say to you that you have a dream burning in your heart that is waiting to come forth and be realized. It is no one eleses dream but yours and yours alone. It is a God given desire and dream. You may say "I have a dream that my kids... or my dream is that we be out of debt." these are awesome dreams but they are not yours actually. Some of you may have a dream to be a writer or singer or maybe even like myself a dream to be a well knwon public speaker. These are your dreams and it is time to wake up and dream. Go after it. You may say how? well simple first write it out in print or braille some way for you to see it in writing. voice it to others. next put the writen statement in anenvelope and ceal it shut and do it before witnesses. This is symbolic way saying it is a done deal. then have another copy that you can look at on a regulary basis. Look at it every day. Next you'll need to state put action behind the words. Some of the things you can do are: talk to others who have achieved in the area you wish to to achieve your dream. watch movies based on your dream. for those of you who have good sight buy or get pictures of your dream. look at those pictures. if you are a totally blind individual no problem get models of your dream. most important don't give up. no matter how bad it gets you will make it. surround yourself with others who will help push you forward. look for opportunities to see your dream. if it is a new car then look at them in the car lot for a blind person who wants a car he or she can purchase models to look at and take a friend to the dealer ship and ride in said car. The car sales person may say "you are a little young to want something like this!" say to him in return "it doesn't take age it takes money!" he will back down right quick. above all else pray and pray and pray over and over about your dream ask the Lord for guidance and tohelp keep your eyes open. we all have dreams in fact scripture says: "Without a dream the people perish." So wake up dream go for it. to to silence all the doubters and shouters and nay sayers and go for it. I believe in you and I know it is possible. Matthew 1 37 says "with God nothing is impossible" and Philipians 4 13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me." you already have the strength to go for and achieve your dream. what are you waiting for? for forth and dream! and I will one day see you at the top.

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About Me

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wyoming, michigan, United States
I am a man of God who loves to speak on a variety of issues. I love to speak to motivate, inspire or just inform. As you can see from my photo I am a single father and I do want to remarry one day provided the right lady comes along. If you need a speaker to motivate your employees, gtroup or to speak at an event. I am willing ready and able. Let me know time and place and we can work out the details